
In-app subscriptions made profitable.

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About Adapty

With Adapty, mobile developers implement and customize the full-scale in-app subscriptions and in-app purchases ecosystem within an hour. Whether you build a learning or news app, or mobile game, Adapty is a one-stop solution to grow your mobile business with user-based revenue.

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How We Work Together

Adapty uses subscription events to update OneSignal Data Tags, which means that publishers can build target communication with customers using OneSignal push notifications after a short and easy integration.

Partner Integration Use Cases

Subscription Events

Easily enable and disable the following types of notifications: subscription started, renewed, expired, paused (Android), renewal canceled, reactivated, and non-subscription events.


Adapty sends to OneSignal notifications about started, expired, converted trials, canceled, and reactivated trial renewals.

Other Issues

These are entered grace period, refunded subscription, refunded non-subscription purchase, and billing issue.