
New Delhi, India


Game Development

Subscribers Gained
Decrease in Customer Acquisition Cost
Average Retention Rate

Mastering User Retention

Gaining subscribers is often the priority for many online businesses. However, once a company overcomes the hurdle of growing their user base, they must now face the challenge of keeping these subscribers engaged and coming back for more.

Ashutosh Kumar, the Director and Co-Founder of Vapronix Web, a publisher of online content including interactive quizzes, games, articles and videos, knows firsthand the importance of user engagement, and has deftly utilized web push notifications to grow and retain over 7 million subscribers across 200 countries.

Vapronix about

About Vapronix

Based in New Delhi, India, Vapronix lets users engage in fun, light-hearted content through the company’s websites, such as Hola Quiz and BuddyMojo. Users can also share these experiences with friends through social media. Users can even create quizzes about topics of their choosing and put their friends to the test.

Vapronix products

Growing A Key Revenue Source

The Challenge

In the highly-saturated online media space, maintaining the attention of subscribers and bringing them back to your offering can feel like an insurmountable task. As attention spans grow shorter and with new content providers constantly joining the fray, the team at Vapronix found that users were not returning to older quizzes and games in their catalog.

In an attempt to re-engage users, the Vapronix team used a number of push notification tools, such as LetReach, but were left unsatisfied by their poor deliverability and high costs.

Finally, as an early-stage startup, the company needed to grow its primary revenue source: digital advertising. Retaining users would be key to increasing ad impressions and driving the company’s revenue from ads.

Choosing OneSignal

The Solution

As Kumar searched for a reliable and fairly-priced push provider, he discovered OneSignal. He was impressed by its ability to scale and deliver push notifications without any delay or interruption. Furthermore, OneSignal offered a good balance of mission critical capabilities like advanced segmentation, as well as features that delivered useful insights, such as A/B testing, that would help them optimize their offerings.

Vapronix choosing onesignal

Upon first implementing OneSignal, Kumar and his team were surprised to find how easy it was to integrate to their existing technologies, as well as how simple it was for his team to manage and send push notifications. The onboarding process was further simplified by the round-the-clock technical support rendered by the OneSignal team.

Optimize Engagement with Segments

With users that speak over 45 languages across 200 countries, the Vapronix team optimizes their communications by segmenting their users based on location. The team then works to translate and localize messages to ensure every push notification can be easily understood by players and therefore, deliver the most impact.

Vapronix optimize engagement with segments

As eager as Kumar and his team are to convey news about their latest games and quizzes, they make a concerted effort to avoid over-communicating with their users. Through extensive testing, the Vapronix team determined that their players engaged with messages more when they received no more than one push notification every two weeks.

With this information, the team once again leverages segments to filter out users that have already been sent a message within a two week timeframe. Through OneSignal’s segments, Kumar is able to perform the crucial task of frequency capping that ultimately bolsters player engagement and retention. Since implementing OneSignal, the Vapronix team has seen their average retention rate increase to 41.6%.

Ashutosh Kumar
We have a huge user base and our content goes viral in various countries from time to time. OneSignal is really enabling us to expand our reach and convert users during these high-traffic events.
Ashutosh Kumar

Director and Co-founder

Reach users at the right time with Intelligent Delivery

Intelligent Delivery from OneSignal automatically optimizes the delivery time of notifications based on when a user most recently used a specific app/website. For example, if you use Intelligent Delivery to send a message at 7 p.m. and the Intelligent Delivery algorithm determines that a given user is most likely to open your app/website at 8 a.m., the notification will only be sent to that user at 8 a.m. the following day to maximize the likelihood of the user opening it.

Vapronix reach users at the right time

Kumar and his team use Intelligent Delivery to reach their users across the globe when they were most likely to engage and interact with messages. Intelligent Delivery can be used via both OneSignal’s API and the web dashboard. This allows both technical and non-technical members of the Vapronix team to effectively enable Intelligent Delivery without the need for additional support.

Intelligent Delivery offers app and website developers that use OneSignal a powerful way to engage their audiences more effectively and therefore, acquire and retain users in a cost-effective manner. With OneSignal, Kumar and his team have cut their Customer Acquisition Cost by nearly 30%.

Gain Insights through A/B Testing

The team at Vapronix understands the power that data can unlock in optimizing their engagement with users. Kumar and colleagues are careful not to rely on assumptions about what messages work best in helping to retain users. Instead, his team has implemented OneSignal’s A/B testing to learn precisely what their audience will respond to.

Vapronix ab testing

First, the Vapronix team selects a single variable to test. This can include message wording, images, emojis, and other elements of a push notification. Next, using OneSignal’s Templates, they create a standard message and a second message with the variable modified. The team then delivers the messages to two random groups of users from the same segment. With OneSignal’s A/B test reports, Kumar is able to quickly ascertain how each message performed and optimize future messaging.

Since implementing OneSignal, the Vapronix team has seen a conversion rate of 26%. This means that more than a quarter of the visitors to Vapronix’s website play a game or complete a quiz directly because of a web push notification.

Vapronix Can Count on Onesignal To Deliver

Kumar and his team at Vapronix trust OneSignal to deliver highly-engaging messages to millions of their players worldwide at the most optimal times. Thanks to OneSignal, Vapronix has experienced massive subscriber growth, from under 10,000 users subscribed to push notifications to over 7 million subscribers, and consequently, a strong uptick in revenue generated from digital advertising, allowing the startup to attain new heights.

If you’re new to push and want to see why over one million marketers and developers love OneSignal, create an account for free, or if you’d rather talk to our team live, feel free to book a demo here.

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